Frequently Asked Questions

Please directly contact our hotline at 0800 8000 80. The service is available Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Our service team will be happy to assist you with any questions.

Eligible individuals will receive the Klimabonus for the year 2024 between autumn 2024 and spring 2025. The majority of those receiving the payment in spring are individuals who moved to Austria in the first six months of the claim year or relocated within Austria during that period.

You do not need to take any action to receive the payment. The eligibility criteria simply require you to have a registered primary residence in Austria for at least 183 days of the claim year, regardless of your age and citizenship. Non-Austrian citizens must hold legal resident status.

There are two options for receiving the Klimabonus:

Option 1: Direct transfer to your bank account

If your bank account details are up to date and registered (details below), the money will be transferred directly to this account.

This option applies in the following cases:

If your current bank details are registered with FinanzOnline*. The relevant information in this case is the International Bank Account Number (IBAN) for your account. You can find the IBAN on your debit or credit card or by inquiring with your bank. Please ensure your details are updated on FinanzOnline by July 10, 2024.

If you receive family allowance (“Familienbeihilfe”) for your child or children and it is deposited to your bank account, the Klimabonus for your child or children will also be deposited into the same account.

If you are retired and you receive your pension via bank transfer, you will receive the Klimabonus in the same account.

You can verify and update your bank account information on FinanzOnline at any time. If your information is registered and correct, future Klimabonus payments will be automatically transferred to your account.

* FinanzOnline is an online platform for submitting applications and forms to the tax office, particularly those related to tax matters. To register for FinanzOnline, you will need your ID Austria, your FinanzOnline user name or participant identification. You can either register on the website or through the tax office.

Option 2: The Klimabonus is sent by mail as a registered letter (“RSa-Brief” or “RSb-Brief”)

Individuals whose bank account information is not up to date or registered with FinanzOnline (see Option 1) will receive a registered letter containing the Klimabonus in the form of vouchers. This letter must be handed to the recipient in person. If you are not present at your home address when the postal worker attempts delivery, the letter will be securely held at the post office or an affiliated location or store. To collect the letter, please bring a valid photo ID along with the missed delivery notice.

If desired, you may authorize a member of your household to receive the letter on your behalf by setting up a special power of attorney. You can download the form here.

PLEASE NOTE: This power of attorney (“Klimabonus-Vollmacht”) is only valid for delivery to your home address and cannot be used to collect the letter from the post office at a later date.

To receive the Klimabonus directly into your bank account, you must have updated or confirmed your bank details within the last three years, or your details must have been used for a payment by the Federal Ministry of Finance during that period. Self-employed individuals who have not received payments from the Federal Ministry of Finance must also enter or confirm their bank details on FinanzOnline to ensure that the Klimabonus is deposited directly into their account.

To confirm or update your bank details on FinanzOnline, please follow these steps:

Open the “Ihre persönlichen Daten“ (Your Personal Data) section in FinanzOnline, or if you are self-employed, open the “Ihre Unternehmensdaten“ (Your Company Data) section.

Review and, if necessary, update your bank details.

To save your changes, click the “Ändern” (Change) button to confirm and store your (updated) information.

For the 2024 Klimabonus, the deadline for providing, confirming or updating your bank details is July 10, 2024.

No, registration with FinanzOnline is not required to receive the Klimabonus. However, if you wish to receive the Klimabonus via bank transfer directly to your bank account, you have the option to register with FinanzOnline and provide your bank account details. If you are already registered and wish to continue receiving the Klimabonus via bank transfer, you can review and update your information as needed.

Click here to register directly with FinanzOnline.

The Klimabonus is issued via bank transfer based on data that has been updated or verified in good time or used for payments by the Federal Ministry of Finance. Additionally, the account itself must be clearly identifiable as belonging to a private individual. This means that the data must be labelled with either “FON” (FinanzOnline) or “FBH” (“Familienbeihilfe” = family allowance) to ensure that the bank accounts belong to private individuals.

However, accounts held by self-employed individuals are sometimes labeled differently. In these instances, the Ministry for Climate Action cannot reliably obtain the necessary account details for issuing direct transfer payments. In such cases, vouchers are issued instead.

Your Klimabonus will be calculated based on the primary residence (‘Hauptwohnsitz’) where you lived the longest within the relevant calendar year. For individuals who moved within Austria in the first six months of the year, this will be assessed at the second cut-off date (December 31, 2024). This ensures that we can accurately determine where you lived the longest, which forms the basis for calculating the regional compensation you are entitled to.

Individuals whose primary residence is not registered in Austria for a sufficient number of days by the first cut-off date (July 2, 2024) will be assessed using the second cut-off date (December 31, 2024) and will therefore receive the Klimabonus in spring 2025.

General questions

The Klimabonus is a bonus payment which serves as direct compensation for the newly implemented CO2 pricing system. All residents of Austria are entitled to receive the Klimabonus, which is automatically paid out once each calendar year.

Since October 1, 2022, Austria has implemented a CO2 pricing system as part of the Eco-social Tax Reform. This important initiative aims to combat climate change by increasing the costs associated with emitting harmful CO2. The goal is to incentivize individuals to reduce their CO2 emissions. The Klimabonus redistributes the funds generated through CO2 pricing directly to the residents of Austria. Its primary objective is to encourage the adoption of environmentally friendly practices in transportation, heating, and consumption. Individuals who effectively reduce their CO2 emissions will therefore keep a larger share of the Klimabonus. Furthermore, it serves as a form of social compensation for those facing challenges in transitioning to climate-friendly alternatives. CO2, or carbon dioxide, is a potent greenhouse gas that has a detrimental impact on the Earth’s climate. It is produced during the generation of heat and electricity, by car traffic, in most industries, but also in private households—in short, in all contexts where oil and gas serve as the main energy sources. The increase in CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere is one of the main drivers of the human-made climate crisis. A tax on CO2 renders climate-damaging behavior more expensive.

Anyone who has had their primary residence registered in Austria for at least 183 days in the year for which the Klimabonus can be claimed is eligible for the payment, regardless of age, origin, or citizenship. Non-Austrian citizens must hold legal resident status.

Yes. The Klimabonus is also paid to individuals who are registered as unemployed.

No, the Klimabonus is not offset against other state benefits such as needs-based minimum income. The Klimabonus in no way affects your eligibility for any state benefit.

  • You can redeem the vouchers at over 10,000 acceptance points throughout Austria. Find them here.

  • You can exchange the vouchers for cash at our banking partner, bank99. You can find a list with its branches at

Vouchers that are not redeemed by their expiration date will be credited back to the BMK (Federal Ministry for Climate Action) and used for subsequent Klimabonus payments.

Sodexo vouchers remain valid until the date printed in the top right corner of each voucher. Our acceptance partners have been informed that they are required to accept both the new Pluxee vouchers and any valid Sodexo vouchers.

How much is the Klimabonus for 2024?

The total amount you receive depends on the local infrastructure in your place of residence. The Klimabonus consists of two components:

  • The base amount. This is a fixed minimum amount paid to all eligible recipients. In 2024, it amounts to €145. This part of the Klimabonus compensates for increased housing and general consumption costs.

  • An optional regional adjustment of €50, €100, or €145 in 2024. This regional adjustment compensates for increased transportation costs. Since the modes of transport available depend on where you live, the regional adjustment is based on the local infrastructure at your place of residence.

Combining the base amount and the applicable regional adjustment results in the following possible Klimabonus amounts for 2024:

  • Category 1: €145 (base amount only)

  • Category 2: €145 (base amount) + €50 € regional adjustment = €195

  • Category 3: €145 (base amount) +€100 regional adjustment = €245

  • Category 4: €145 (base amount) +€145 regional adjustment = €290

Find out the exact amount of your Klimabonus 2024 for your place of residence HERE.

Minors (individuals under 18 years of age) receive half the amount received by adults. Individuals with disabilities who are unable to use public transport receive the base amount plus the maximum regional adjustment, regardless of their region of residence, totaling €290 in 2024. For verification, the relevant ID (“Behindertenpass”) must indicate that “use of public transport is unreasonable due to permanent mobility restrictions caused by a disability”.

As the regional adjustment compensates for the increased cost of mobility, individuals living in regions with poor infrastructure and limited public transport receive a higher regional adjustment. The reasoning behind this is the fact that inadequate public transportation options necessitate greater reliance on cars. Conversely, individuals living in more urban areas typically benefit from more accessible public transport and better, if not excellent infrastructure in the vicinity of their primary residence, resulting in lower or no regional adjustments for these groups.

Statistik Austria has assigned each municipality a regional category based on existing data for infrastructure and public transport. For more details, please visit the Statistik Austria website. The regional categories are defined as follows:

  • Category 1: Urban centers with very good public transport.

  • Category 2: Urban centers with good public transport.

  • Category 3: Regional centers and communities in the vicinity of centers with sufficient basic public transport.

  • Category 4: Rural communities and communities with basic public transport.

Minors (individuals under 18 years of age) receive half the Klimabonus amount received by adults. Individuals with disabilities who are unable to use public transport receive the base amount plus the maximum regional adjustment, regardless of their region of residence, totaling €290 for 2024. For verification, the relevant ID (“Behindertenpass”) must indicate that “use of public transport is unreasonable due to permanent mobility restrictions caused by a disability”.

The categorization into one of the four groups is based on two factors: infrastructure (access and/or availability of secondary schools, hospitals, etc.) and quality of public transport. If these factors change, your place of residence may be reclassified into a different category over time.

No, everyone will receive the full Klimabonus amount based on their regional category. The taxation will be handled automatically by the tax authorities.

No, just like the payout of the Klimabonus is automatic, so is its taxation.

No, your personal CO2 consumption does not affect the amount you receive. However, climate-friendly behavior allows you to keep more of the bonus as you spend less money on goods and services that have become more expensive due to CO2 pricing.

In 2024, individuals who cannot use public transport due to a disability will receive a Klimabonus of €290. People with mobility limitations due to a disability will always receive the maximum amount, regardless of their age or place of residence. For verification, the relevant ID (“Behindertenpass”) must indicate that the “use of public transport is unreasonable due to permanent mobility restrictions caused by a disability”, pursuant to §§ 40 et seq. of the Federal Disability Act (BBG), or you must hold a parking permit pursuant to § 29b of the 1960 Road Traffic Act (StVO). This also applies to individuals under the age of 18. If your mobility restrictions were not considered in the Klimabonus payment you received in 2023, please fill out this contact form.

Minors (individuals under 18 years of age)

Yes, the Klimabonus is paid to all individuals who have maintained their primary residence in Austria for at least 183 days during the claim year. This means that newborns become eligible for the Klimabonus at 183 days of age, provided their primary residence was registered in Austria for 183 days by December 31 of that year.

If a child is born in the first six months of the year, they will not meet this requirement by the first cut-off date. Therefore, the Klimabonus for the child will be paid after the second cut-off date in the spring of the following year.

Minors (individuals under 18 years of age) receive half the amount received by adults in their respective regional category. The Klimabonus will be issued to the individual receiving the family allowance.

Once the child turns 18, the Klimabonus is either deposited directly into the child’s own bank account or mailed to their primary residence in the form of vouchers in a registered letter.

If your child turns 18 in the year for which the Klimabonus can be claimed, they will receive the standard amount that adults receive. The Klimabonus will be deposited into your child’s bank account or mailed to them in a registered letter (“RSa-Brief”).

If you receive family allowance for your child and the child is under 18 years old in the year for which the Klimabonus can be claimed, the Klimabonus for your child will be deposited into the same account where the family allowance is received. If you do not receive the family allowance, the Klimabonus will be paid directly to your child, either into their bank account or in the form of vouchers sent by registered letter (“RSb-Brief”).

If parents do not receive family allowance for their children under the age of 18, the Klimabonus will be sent to the children in a registered letter (“RSb-Brief”) in the form of vouchers

CO₂ pricing

CO₂ pricing puts a price on CO₂ emissions. CO₂ (carbon dioxide) is produced through activities such as heat and electricity generation, transportation, in most industries, but also in private households—particularly those relying on oil and gas for energy. CO₂ is a potent greenhouse gas that has a severe impact on the Earth’s climate and significantly contributes to climate change and global warming. Austria’s CO₂ pricing initiative increases the financial cost associated with emitting carbon dioxide. Its purpose is to incentivize more environmentally friendly behaviors and thus reduce CO₂ emissions.

CO₂ pricin was introduced in Austria on October 1 2022. It is a crucial component of the Eco-social Tax Reform presented by the Austrian government in October 2021.

In 2022, the price for emitting CO₂ was set at €30 per metric ton of CO₂. By 2025, the price will rise to €55 per metric ton of CO₂. As the price for CO₂ invreases, the Klimabonus automatically increases too. The revenue generated from the CO₂ pricing is thereby directly distributed back to Austrian residents through the Klimabonus.

Data protection

  • Surname and first name

  • Date of birth

  • Primary residence address of the recipient

  • Encrypted area-specific personal identifiers, which are generated by authorities for the secure data management. When other authorities need these identifiers for the purpose of data processing in e-government services, they are passed on in an encrypted form. E-government services are public administration services that citizens can access via the Internet, such as FinanzOnline, the e-government platform of Austria’s fiscal authorities. The encrypted area-specific personal identification codes (“vbPK”) of the following sectors are relevant for the Klimabonus: Society and Social Welfare (vbPK-GS), Taxes and Duties (vbPK-SA), Social Insurance (vbPK-SV), Transport and Technology (vbPK-VT), Personal Identity and Civil Rights (vbPK-ZP), Statistics Austria (vbPK-AS), and the Transparency Database (vbPK ZP-TD).

  • International bank account number (IBAN)

  • Family allowance data, and

  • Data of individuals with a disability indicating that the entry “use of public transport is not reasonable due to permanent mobility limitations caused by a disability” is present.

In accordance with the Klimabonus Act, the ministries and agencies administering the relevant data provide them to the Federal Ministry for Climate Action.

For example:

  • The Federal Ministry of the Interior provides residence registration data, which establishes an individual’s primary residence.

  • The Federal Ministry of Finance provides international bank account numbers (IBANs) and family allowance data.

  • The Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection provides data concerning mobility restrictions of people with disabilities.

  • The Austrian Federal Pension Fund provides bank account details where applicable.

Yes, all applicable data protection regulations are strictly followed. The Klimabonus Act authorizes the Federal Ministry for Climate Action to process all necessary data for Klimabonus payments. The data is processed and managed in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act (Federal Law Gazette I. No. 165/1999) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union.

Personal data is processed only when absolutely necessary, thus observing the GDPR’s principle of data minimization. This principle dictates that only the data that is absolutely necessary for the intended purpose shall be processed. The data security measures mandated by the General Data Protection Regulation are also strictly observed.